Eric Peter Brown
Born in Rochester, New York, I was a child who loved adventure in my life, and on television. At age four, I was already caught in the web of action and would climb onto rooftops, fall off them or crash through them, brush myself off and try it again. As I grew so did my attraction to things that held an aire of danger–of risk.
I demanded no less from my television shows. No longer did shows like Sesame Street and its slew of age-appropriate kids shows do it for me. My interests were Lost In Space, the Wild, Wild West, Land of the Giants, Batman, The Time Tunnel, and the list goes on. Star Trek (the original series) at the time came on past my bedtime and was too adult for me. However, as I grew so did my love for science fiction, action, adventure, fantasy, and the supernatural (werewolves, vampire, witches, etc.) Eventually I was old enough to watch Kirk and Spock and fell in love with the series.
In school as early as four I was writing and creating action adventures and dotting them down on paper. In High school my talent for story writing increased, but I made the same mistake most writers made, I mimicked what was popular with my own spin on it. I had to change that. When time came to go to college, I was excited and set, I knew what college I wanted to attend. Then a wall was placed between me and my passion to write. Ill-equipped to overcome that wall at the time, it to derailed me for a great many years.
It is said, “Everything happens for a reason” and whoever said it was absolutely right. Although I’ve taken the long road back to where I’ve always wanted to be, it has given me time to think long and hard about what I wanted to write. Something that has never before been introduced.
Something that carries positive messages, but will not alter my creation, and can only add to it. The story must be intelligent, well-written, include all the genres I love so much, but most importantly it must be original. To do this I had to change the formula for science-fiction that has been used for the past three hundred years in literature and film. Thus…
The Supremacy was Born.